That... That lead... I just can't stop listening to THAT LEAD! Overall a solid song but the lead is just so incredible. You should definitely use that kind of a sound again because it adds so much to a song like this one. Keep up the great work!
That... That lead... I just can't stop listening to THAT LEAD! Overall a solid song but the lead is just so incredible. You should definitely use that kind of a sound again because it adds so much to a song like this one. Keep up the great work!
Really good
You've definitely done a great job with increasing the quality of the audio, which makes the stuff from you that sounds great already sound even better. I really like this song and all the riffs, but there's a reason why I couldn't give you 10 stars. As much as I like it, the drums do make it a little hard to hear the guitars on what I guess you could call the main riff. And I'm listening to it on a 540 watt eight speaker stereo system, so I can assure you it isn't my system. Try experimenting with the drum levels some more and also ask Bad Man what he thinks.
okay. i guess i can adjust the volume of the drum track, but i have to rig it really well in order for the bass drum to be heard as well...i'll ask Bad-man after i edit the drum track. one final upload of this song and it'll be perfect...hopefully! thanks for the review also. you da man, man ;)
And Lulz You Shall Have
Definitely a fun little piece. Good Job!
lol i had fun making it. i laughed at the idea! Vegeta screaming for a band...priceless. lol thanks for the review!
I like 'dis one
I'm definitely looking forward to the full song for this one, but the mix still has a little ways to go, the drums, or at least the snare and the high-hat are a little too loud, and they make it hard to hear all the guitar activity in the background. Other than that, it's great. Good work!
Oh wow... This is absolutely amazing! I thought that the whole song would follow the theme set by the loop, but instead it goes off and does something even better! This is by far my favorite song on the entire portal now. Excellent Job!
HAHA thank you man! yea i did alot to this song, i may even add some solos to it but i'm glad you liked it tho!
Heavy to the MAX!
Talk about some seriously heavy metal. I would love it if you did wind up making this into a full-blown song, this has HUGE potential. Great Job!
I might dude, I just might
Talk about an angry song. This is the kind of head-banging hard metal that's a heck of a lot of fun to listen to. Hooray for anger! (and for great guitar, bass, drums, and what other instruments may be in there)
thanks man. being pissed really gives you awesome ideas for riffage and such. i had to let this one was a beast! thanks for the review man!
Oh Yes!
This is great! I really like the way that the solo guitar plays with the rhythm guitar, and then goes of and does it's own thing. Good job!
Your logic is flawed, so use mine instead!
Joined on 4/6/10